
Hi, I'm Tyler Renshaw, PhD.

I am an Associate Professor in the Psychology Department at Utah State University. I've worked at USU since January 2018. Before that, I was faculty in the Psychology Department at Louisiana State University from July 2012 to December 2017.

I hold a PhD (2011) in combined Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology from the University of California at Santa Barbara. Professionally, I identify as a school psychologist and school mental health researcher. I am a Licensed Psychologist in Utah (#11439779-2501), a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (#41734), and a Licensed School Psychologist in Utah (#574544).

At USU, I work in our School Psychology PhD and EdS programs. I'm the current Director of Training; I teach grad seminars on school-based mental health services; and I supervise clinical training in schools. I also run the School Mental Health Lab and mentor a team of fabulous PhD students.


The big idea driving my work is that schools should be community hubs for mental health services; not just for kids, but also for educators and parents and families. I believe schools should offer both prevention and treatment, and should balance reducing suffering with improving wellbeing. Most importantly, I believe school-based services are integral to promoting mental health equity.

I am one of those geeky academics who is really into research. I believe that, with good values in hand, research can help make the world a more socially-just place. I strive to do research that helps more kids and schools and communities become more mentally healthy.

Most of my research is collaborative. I'm fortunate to work with brilliant, fun colleagues and creative, inspiring grad students. You can learn about our work and how to connect with us on my lab page.

Here are some highlights of my research to date:


I value student mentoring. When I was a student, I was lucky to have kind, energizing mentors who helped me find my way. They believed in me, advocated for me, and cleared paths for me. I hope to pay that forward to my students. I believe mentoring should be values-driven, personalized, feedback-focused, and compassionate. My main mentorship goals are to help students figure out where they want to go and then support them in getting there.

Here are several things I'm proud of regarding my mentoring to date:

  • I currently mentor 7 fabulous PhD students.
  • My College at USU awarded me the Outstanding Graduate Mentor of the Year Award (2022).
  • 4 of my former mentees have graduated with PhDs in School Psychology and are doing valuable work to make the world a more mentally healthy place.
  • I've served on 120+ grad student committees, which means I've played a small role in supporting lots of students in achieving lots of milestones.
  • I have mentored 20+ undergrad RAs in my research lab, all of whom have gone on to graduate programs in mental health fields.

Learn More

You can learn more about me and my work by looking around this website, reviewing my Google Scholar profile, or checking out my curriculum vitae.